In Eastern Europe and Central Asia, new HIV infections and AIDS-related deaths are on the rise. An estimated 1.7 million people live with HIV across the region.

To end the HIV/AIDS epidemic everywhere and leave no one behind, we’re making sure funding and attention go wherever people are facing the biggest barriers to getting the care they need.

What we’re doing

We know what works. We’ve partnered with Gilead Sciences on the RADIAN initiative, which channels funds where they’re needed and creates models that show how new approaches can work to connect people with care.

We’re improving and expanding HIV services and finding new ways to bring these to the people who need them most.

And we’re tackling the stigma and discrimination that stop people from accessing life-saving care – and stop us from ending the epidemic in the region.

We’ve already:

  • reached around 60,000 people from vulnerable communities with prevention, testing and care services

  • trained over 5,000 ‘change agents’ – including healthcare workers and police, to shift attitudes and create more compassionate, accessible services

Our ambition

support 150,000 people to receive HIV tests by 2027
get 30,000 people living with HIV onto ongoing antiretroviral treatment
train 5,000 change agents in health services
build the capacity of more than 40 community organisations to deliver services effectively

Our ambition